Inquisitive Roleplay
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gabeiscool2002's Operator Application

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gabeiscool2002's Operator Application Empty gabeiscool2002's Operator Application

Post by gabeiscool2002 Fri Aug 14, 2015 10:18 pm

1. What is your Steam Username?
Hank Hill

2. What is your SteamID?

3. How old are you?

4. How long have you played on the server?
6 Days

5. Have you had any previous administration experience? If so, please provide a link to the steam page of the owner as well as the name of the server.
Club Chirax -

6. Why do you want to be an an operator?
I feel like the server doesn't have enough staff, and there are occasionally times where the server needs a larger amount of server staff, and I would like to help this server.

7. Somebody joins the server with the IC name, "Death Razor." His physical description is, "Demon Wings | Red Eyes | Pocket Strider | Two Hearts | Horny | Giant Dick". What do you do?
I would teleport to the player, teleport them to a private location, and ask them if they're new to HL2RP. Assuming that they know how to do a physical description, I will go with the scenario that they are a minge. "No but you are," is their response. I would assume they are a minge and kick them with the reason, "Come back when you're ready to RP seriously."

8. Somebody needs assistance from an admin and you're in the middle of an RP situation. What do you do?
I would immediately tell everybody involved to pause the roleplay, teleport to the player, and assist them. Once the player has been assisted, I would teleport back to where I was previously and tell them to resume the roleplay/

9. Somebody is asking what a combine is and why everybody is using so many /me's. What do you do?
I would ask them if they are new to HL2RP. They would say "yes," so I would explain to them the basics of serious roleplay, including but not limited to IC, OOC, /me's, and metagame, as well as fill them in on the half-life canon.

Last edited by gabeiscool2002 on Sun Aug 16, 2015 10:58 pm; edited 1 time in total


Posts : 8
Join date : 2015-08-11

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gabeiscool2002's Operator Application Empty Re: gabeiscool2002's Operator Application

Post by gabeiscool2002 Sun Aug 16, 2015 5:02 am

I changed my time of playing on this server because it was incorrect due to the fact it was a day since I uploaded my application.


Posts : 8
Join date : 2015-08-11

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